Youth Leadership Pathway

MD306 – Giving a Talk



There are some important aspects to writing and delivering a powerful message. How can we communicate our message in a way that is clear, concise and captures your attention?


Loving God, help me to be reminded always that I am precious in your eyes, honoured and loved by you. Give me the grace and courage to share Your love for me through words and deeds as a witness to others. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, I pray that I may grow to love the Sacred Scripture and use it to guide my life and ministry. Amen.


How often do we turn down an opportunity to give a talk? Perhaps we, as leaders, reject the offer with excuses like “I have never done it” or “it’s not for me” or “I’m not confident enough”. We get scared at just the idea of speaking in public and that prevents us from even trying.

Giving a talk is essentially a form of teaching, in which is strengthened by knowledge and experience. Jesus is our greatest example of a teacher:

“As he landed he saw a great throng, and he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things.”
Mark 6:34 RSVCE

Here is an example of a template we can use when structuring our talks:


Giving a talk is not only about having the confidence for public speaking, but also understanding the message/context that we will deliver. We will be presenting a teaching about something we know and understand deeply. Think about:

  • Who is your audience? – this is very important!
  • What is the topic? Is it about breaking open the Scriptures? Understanding the faith?
  • Can the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) or Scriptures support and add depth into the
  • How about other theologians/scholars? Are there any Bible commentaries we can reference from?

Referencing your points with Bible verses and/or quotes from the CCC, is always helpful when moving from your personal opinion into truth for all. Ensure the true context of the Scriptures and be careful to not misuse the Scriptures. It is also highly recommended that you use references from the Church documents – including Catholic theologians, bishops, papal encyclicals, etc.


One of the most powerful elements we can include in a talk, is our own experience. Sharing a testimony is not compulsory, but it is a powerful tool to engage listeners and inspire others on their faith journeys.

Through a testimony, a story of seeing God working in your life, the Holy Spirit may share the same grace with the listener.

“If you are willing to encounter the Lord, if you are willing to let him love you and save you, if you can make friends with him and start to talk to him, the living Christ, about the realities of your life, then you will have a profound experience capable of sustaining your entire Christian life. You will also be able to share that experience with other young people. For “being a Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction”.
Christus Vivit, 129


Scriptures help to mold and shape us, but practical applications are equally important in order to integrate the intellectual knowledge of our faith into a lived-out action in our lives.

Having a “response” as part of a talk helps listeners to commence their journey by committing to live out the truth they’ve heard about in their own lives. A response can be as simple as a prayer, a guided reflection/journaling, or as bold as standing up as an outward sign of an internal commitment.


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