Youth Leadership Pathway

MD305 – Fellowship



Fellowship is foundational to any ministry – building personal relationships so that every person is seen and known.


Loving God, you made men and women in your image and likeness. Please give me the grace to seek your face in everyone I meet. May I know I am fully known, fully seen and fully loved by You. Amen.


“It is not enough to love the young; they must know that they are loved.”
Saint John Bosco

In Christus Vivit, Christ is Alive (2019) the Holy Father emphasises the importance of two aspects that need to exist in youth ministry – outreach & growth. He encourages us to evangelise through creative ways. Once someone has been evengelised, a place for growth and maturity in faith is highly important.

A place like this is created when we come into fellowship with one another by laying down our lives for the good of one another.

“Any program in youth ministry should clearly incorporate various means and resources that can help young people grow in fraternity to live as brothers and sisters, to help one another, to build community, to be of service to others.”
Pope Francis – Christus Vivit, Christ is Alive (2019)

It is only in a community as people of God that we can experience the fullness of our commandment to “love one another as I have loved you.” (John 15:12)


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